Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Peek-A-Boo, the NSA and YOU!

These days this is a hot topic of discussion. There seems to be only two sides to this story, one side is crying ‘5th amendment’ and the other side is crying ‘who cares’, but I believe there are two sides to the solution to this issue. It’s easy to complain about an issue or ignore it, but it’s a lot harder to solve it! Let me explain my position…

I will address the ‘who cares’ crowd first, as this will be short and sweet. To those of you who don’t care what the NSA does is a fine position to take, but it actually does fly in the face of the 5th amendment and actually does violate Americans personal freedoms in a way that the founding fathers never intended, regardless of the passing of the USA Patriot Act. Just to be clear, just because Congress passed these laws, the President signed them and the SCOTUS hasn’t really weighed in on this issue, doesn’t mean that it’s unconstitutional. This fact is undeniable, so even though you feel it’s OK for the NSA to collect this data, it’s still anti-Constitutional. Period.

However, before those on the other side start cheering, you must understand, most serious people that believe this way, are also very careful with their personal information and protect themselves from the tactics of the NSA.

See, short and sweet.

Now to get to the meat of the issue, the people spouting the ‘5th amendment’ argument. Obviously, in the deep meaning of the Constitution, I understand and believe in this concept, but I take issue with people who ‘cry wolf’ and leave a slaughtered lamb on their doorstep. Again, let me explain…

Anyone that is spouting off this kind of rhetoric and are not being personally responsible for their own data security, needs to take a step back and look inwards before casting the stone. Even though you are holding the high ground with your Constitutional argument, if you aren’t taking responsibility to guard your own personal data, you are part of the problem. See, you might think the internet should be free of any kind of personal challenge, you must understand that the internet is the jungle and you’re either a lion or a lamb. So a lamb claiming that the lion is unfair, is just not right. Soul search those words.

Again, short and sweet.

But, to the point, this is a serious issue and it deserves more thought than just considering your own opinion, whether it be based on the Constitution or just the fact that you don’t care. There needs to be a dialogue on this among We the People, and not left up to the politicians and DC.

Ok, your turn…


  1. Hrmm. I hope people aren't just sticking to the 5th - a fairly clear case can be made that this is violating the 4th, 5th, perhaps the 9th and 10th in a fashion. Some people would go so far as the 1st when it comes to encrypted comms being suspect by default.

    Otherwise sounds good to me, -Pk

    1. No, I don't think it's just the 5th, but I just used that one because it's the one most heard. The other amendments you listed are of course in the mix of the story, just trying to keep it brief and to the point.

      Thanks for the read and your insightful comments! They are much appreciated and add another level to the story.

