Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The dichotomy of irony…

There are very strange goings on in the world of the internet these days, or more precisely, cyber intelligence. It seems that some people believe that a certain ‘whistleblower’ is some kind of hero because he pointed out certain programs that have been in place for years, which our duly elected officials knew all about all along. And, those same certain people will look at a person that is actually trying to use his knowledge for the betterment of America as some sort of outlaw.

If you are reading this and you know me from my Twitter account, then you know of whom I speak. However, if you don’t know of whom I speak, I am talking about the traitor that is Mr. Snowden and the patriot that is only know as th3j35t3r.

Most of you probably know who Mr. Snowden is by now and contrary to what you may believe, he is no hero. Now if he would have just presented his case about the NSA collecting more data than they ever claimed, fine, he’s a whistleblower. However, it is obvious by the level of intelligence he collected during his short time as a subcontractor with the NSA, shows that his intentions seem to be more nefarious than was first perceived. The amount of intelligence that he claims to have, and the ways and means that he intends to use this information says a lot about his character. 

While on the other side of the coin we have th3j35t3r. A self-proclaimed hacktivist and, as such, he has claimed and succeeded in taking down numerous website that are, in the least, anti-American. Mostly these sites are jihadist recruiting websites, but every so often there is a domestic site or two that may be targeted, such as the Westborough Baptist church, but mainly the websites he targets are foreign sites that are dedicated to fomenting hatred towards the US, even targeting some of the countries that have offered Mr. Snowden asylum.

So the dichotomy is, why would a person threatening to expose our most secretive intelligence collecting capabilities, not just on Americans, but on operations being conducted all around the world, potentially endangering the lives of other Americans we have in the field, considered a hero, while fairly modest person, operating wholly on his own, under duress of potential blowback of the most serious cybercrimes and even death threats, take a chance to do what he does?

Seems like two different sides of the same coin, but there is a difference, so search your soul and figure out what side you are really on. The side that seems to be on the side of the American people, exposing privacy rights issue, but yet threatens to hold the same Americans hostage because he choose to run to our non-official enemies, or the one that declares himself loyal to the United States of America, and proves it by his actions, by taking down site where people gather to discuss the demise of our country.

In the end, the choice is simple, choose the person that is looking out for OUR country and not looking out for himself, claiming otherwise. In the end, it is always up to the individual to think for themselves, not to have someone tell you what to think. But remember this, Americans have always had internal differences and the main thing that has always separated us from the rest of the world is that even when we disagree among ourselves, we always settle things internally, not airing by our dirty laundry to the world.

So I ask you again…

“You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth – nothing more.” - Morpheus


  1. One is a true patriot and fighter against a fascist surveillance state, the other is a nationalist cunt who thinks the whole world should be under surveillance to catch the one or two amateur jihadi's who are too stupid to use encryption. The argument 'terrorism' is a fallacy, and Jester's beef WikiLeaks or anyone else who dares object to crimes committed by our government makes him look fucking stupid.

  2. Wikileaks...does anyone really care about that doxdump site of crap? It's the PDF version of The Jersey Shore, only less interesting, if that's possible.

  3. I think this Jester guy works for the government, either the US or Israeli gov.

  4. I like how you end your article with that quote from Morpheus. Very ironic indeed. All Snowden offered was the truth about government surveillance of its populace. That's a deep rabbit hole.

    The matter of Snowden's reasons or drivers are inconsequential to the debate about the information that he leaked. Connecting the two is what people do who don't want to properly deal with the content of the leaked information.
